
Contributions of the ASA Programme and partner institutions in the global programme format

What can you expect as a partner institution?

Contribution made by the ASA Programme

  • On request, we can advise you on the development and design of your project proposal.
  • We advertise the places for participants from Germany, manage the application process and conduct a proven selection procedure.
  • We support the learning and preparation process of the participants through ASA seminars. There the participants are intensively supported by tutors and accompanied in their learning process. Questions on global interdependencies are treated at the seminars as well as team-building, project management, intercultural communication and methods of self-reflection.
  • Participants receive a partial scholarship from the ASA Programme (see also funding). In addition, the ASA Programme covers the fees of the ASA seminars and part of the costs for travel to the projects and the ASA seminars. The ASA Programme arranges health, accident and third-party liability insurance for participants.

What we expect from you as a partner institution

  • You develop the project proposal together with your partner institution.
  • You support the participants with the formalities of entering your country (applying for visas, for example).
  • You will provide technical and organisational assistance to the project team in preparing, implementing and following up on the project phase in your country. You will also procure the required materials for the project. The ASA Programme and its participants cannot provide any financial or material support.

Contribution made by the partner institutions from a country in Africa, Asia, Latin America and South-East Europe

  • You are responsible for acquiring and selecting applicants in your country.

Contribution made by the partner institutions from Germany

  • You provide support in acquiring and selecting applicants in your country.
  • You support the participants from the partner country with entering the country (reserving flights, applying for visas), provide accommodation, support the participants with managing the linguistic needs related to their stay and take over the co-financing of the stay of the participants from the partner country in Germany (see also funding).

Details on funding of projects in the global programme format