An app that offers redeemable points in exchange for recyclable waste in Kenya. An eco-café in Tunis. A resource and energy efficiency consultancy in Kiel. A micro-investment platform for local organic honey-keepers in Ethiopia. A climate insurance initiative protecting farmers in Benin against climate change impacts. A mobile application that allows people in Germany to experience the advantages of sufficient and sustainable consumption. A biogas digester that converts agricultural and communal waste into electricity for off-grid farming communities in Nigeria... Put the passionate founders of these and several further social and eco-inclusive initiatives together for a week, and you are bound to have a time full of excitement, inspiring ideas, hands-on problem solving, and a lot of fun!
For the Autumn School for Sustainable Entrepreneurship 2017 we selected 22 young entrepreneurs with innovative initiatives, focusing on climate change mitigation and adaptation, with the aim of strengthening, showcasing and connecting young African and German change makers in this area. The format took place on African soil for the first time – in Dar es Salaam’s Buni Hub from 24 to 28 October, and was preceded by a unique online mentorship in close partnership with Ashoka East Africa and its top-notch Ashoka Fellows.
During the event itself, participants had the chance not only to discuss and improve their business models, but to gain a substantial understanding of each others challenges as social entrepreneurs in differing contexts, and jointly come up with solutions to tackle the day-to-day hurdles of social entrepreneurship.
The programme included thematic roundtables, case study presentations by established ASApreneurs partners, field visits to innovative social start-ups in Dar es Salaam, workshops by last year’s alumni, pitches, and participation in the ASA multi-stakeholder networking event - the ASA Kaleidoskop. Participant Fabio Schojan summarizes his stay in Dar es Salam as “one productive week with mutual motivation and an environment that creates the time and right place to think about your project and receive valuable input on several topics from other persons!”